Team Raw or Smackdown . . .
I was talking to my co-owner today, looking for animated gifs of something, and this idea poped into my head. I think it is imposible to do though, but maybe it isnt. Heres what it would be
A Guest comes to WWE World, and registars, one of the REQUIRED options for them to select would be Raw or Smackdown. If they choose Raw, then the raw gm (genral manger) (an admin) would get a Roster thingy (in other words a Refferal per say). And if someone joined Smackdown, then the SD gm would get a Refferal thingy, then when the user posts it would say . . Team: ____ (Raw or Smackdown) and realy the rest could be done manualy though posts.
Please someone try to make this, and reply, or just reply for anything!!