I just uploaded the vbhl indexer file to my admin directory. Ran it from the browser and BANG. All my previous post in my news section appeared!!!!! Couldnt get any easier than that!
So if you are running a version of vbhl 3.3 without the indexer redownload your the file and just upload the vbhlindex.php to your forums/admin dir and run it. Its that easy peasy!
For forum permissions I have discovered that all private Main and forums that are below it must have each group in the private fourm red.
If you goto your cp panel click under Forums & Moderators > Permissions you will see what permissions you have on the forum. On your private main category you will notice user groups in red. IF you forums in this main private category are BLUE it will show on the vbhl indext page. Change all these blue to red and that will fix it.
By default when you make a private main category and a private forum underneath and specifiy that they are private it is all red. Only when you start doing some customizing access and not check your forum permission will you have private topics appear on the homepage.
I know, cuz I overlooked this tiny step becuase I was setting permissions all wrong and had my private forums all over the home page.
This hacks works as promise and its 99.999999% of the time a user error to why its not working. and that smal .0000001% TECK will be here with the fix!