Performance Hacks... Please advise
I run a huge vB site. We currently have 2,300 users online at this very second. 80,000 members are registered there.
Our board has no hacks installed. I have found it nearly takes a supercomputer to get the forums working at this level.
I was wondering if someone could direct me to any speed enhancements that are reliable and very stable.
I have kept from installing hacks to this point because it makes it hard to upgrade, and might open ourselves up to security exploits.
Could someone offer any ways to speed up our board? We have had to turn off ForumJump, and WhoIs Online as of late because our numbers are growing so rapidly. Jelsoft seems to be very busy with vB 3.0 and hasn't offered a great deal of help. To my knowledge we are the largest board out there, and would love to grow, but we are reading the limitations of vB at this point.
Specifically I heard of a hack that logs thread views to a temp table then dumps them to the primary database at random times. This would reduce the ammount of time MySQL is locked and allow more users to browse the board. I searched but found nothing, could someone point me to this specific hack?