Originally posted by LeeCHeSSS
Installed it. Works without problems (but I need to re-edit the templates to get my old layout back).
Once I have done that, I'll have to figure out how to:
- get $thread[time] and $thread[date] to contain the time/date of the LAST post of the thread, instead of the first.
- have the poll look for polls in 1 specific forum made by ANY user. (I'm just used to the vbPortal style of doing polls I reckon)
I would appreciate any help with those 2 things, since I'm not MySQL guru myself
i have to make you happy right?

first you need to change also the poster... i think since you want to show the last post time, right?
anyway, do this... in vbHL index.php find:
$thread[time] = vbdate($timeformat, $thread[dateline]);
$thread[date] = vbdate($dateformat, $thread[dateline]);
replace it with:
$thread[time] = vbdate($timeformat, $thread[lastpost]);
$thread[date] = vbdate($dateformat, $thread[lastpost]);
then, in your home_threadbits template, change:
<a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$thread[postuserid]">$thread[postusername]</a>
<a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&find=lastposter&forumid=$thread[forumid]">$thread[lastposter]</a>