Originally posted by hellsatan
How would you make it so that they put in a word, like "DarkBlazes", and it puts them in the registered usergroup, put no word, and it puts them in the registered usergroup, and put "noXmedia", and it puts them in the noxmedia usergroup?
This is no different than my code above.. Since "Darkblazes" and "no word" puts you into the same usergroup just use the code above and use word "noxmedia" for custom group. Others will be put into registered automatically.
So you sort of add words via the admin cp, and the usergroupid to put them into, and it does that?
Well this is possible but not in 2 mins.. You have to add seperate columns in your setting table. Or I would recommend adding one field only and use a special format for entering data into this field like this:
[word1:2] [word2:12] [word3:14]
Then in register.php you'll divide the content of this field into small groups and get individual words and the usergroups..(preferrably put them inside an array) and then check the codes and put the user into relevant usergroup accordingly..
Does it shed a light about the algorithm?