Swamper, your solution is a good one. Except it will become rather bandwidth hog.
I have exactly what you have done and now it has become a problem.
Essentially, your putting a BANDAID on a deepcut!
This should be a must for the Vbulletin people to work on. I am not nor have I ever been a EXPERT at VBulletin code. But if I were I would be working on this BIGTIME.
We have supported VBulletin since the beggining, this is a DEFINATE MUST have, since alot of us care what happens to our members when they start selling and trading alot.
More and more scammers are finding it easy to find site were members are vulnerable.
WE NEED HELP VBULLETIN.ORG and we need help now!!!!
I hope your reading this as a SOS cause it is.