Originally posted by E
we are making this hack as ya'll speak
also we have a belt hack thats avaliable also, it puts the belts on the side, a thing in your admin cp to edit the belts and holders and adds the belts under the users name and stuff when they post.
The battle hack will be like this, almost finished:
The Battle Hack -
This Just lets u start battles on an automatic system if u choose too.. u still can do it the old way... but this feature includes:
New Button in Battle Board, Called New Battle, on click it takes u too a screen where u fill in ur rules
The Rules has the basics....that u MUST INCLUDE.. these are
Opponent.... put in the name of the opponent u wish to battle
First to # Votes.. can be watever u want.....
KO #-0.. or Turn Ko's off....
Posts to Vote... Make it so peoples votes that are under the amount u selected not count.... (0 of course allows all voters)
And Additional Rules, which is wat other rules like no dr's and watever.. altho it wont effect the auto system....
after u set the rules.. it sends ur opponent a pm.. and if they agree to the rules they click a link and that activates the battle
New Vote Button aswell as reply...in threads so users can choose to make a vote or spam.. lol...
Auto Vote Counter, and auto determining of winner
Daps automatically added depending on Normal Win or KO
Peoples Battle Records updated after every battle.....
WInner coloumn in forum display next to Thread Starter
Ranking Page, Which HAs full records of people and rankings determined by records
It will not be released, only sold
also there is the crew hack:
The Crew HAck -
This HAck is just an addon for crews..
Crew that u belong too in every post
New Crew Options:
Ranks: Set ranks for people, or set a sytem for auto ranks
Treasury: Like A bank for the crew daps .. yum (with donate feature)
Hierarchy: A List of all the members and ranks
Buy New Things with cRew Fund:
Banner: a picture displayed at the top of ur forum
watever else u can think of
Application Form for people trying to get in,
Also Ability to Kick People from crew
Again, none of these will be realeased, only sold.
i did the same thing
but it has more features
the version on hiphopheads.com still has some bugs in it
cuz i never added the finished version
which i wrote up in like january
you're a smart man @ E if you can pull it off
but...it's love i probably won't add my full version til nov/dec
no time to work type and intergrate it with work & school