here, i trew this in 30secs.. is something like that, for forumhome:
//top10 forums
$topforums=$DB_site->query('SELECT * FROM forum WHERE displayorder<>0 AND active=1 AND cancontainthreads=1 ORDER BY replycount LIMIT 10');
while ($topforum=$DB_site->fetch_array($topforums)) {
$topforumbits .= '<a href="forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=' . $topforum['forumid'] . '">' . $topforum['title'] . '</a><br>';
stick your $topforumbits anywhere you want in forumhome template...
keep in mind: that adds 1 extra query to your total!!!
if you can live with that, is ok... i could not...
[high]* TECK faints...[/high]