If a few games are working but others aren't, in means there is a problem in the Game Configuration. Check to make sure that the filenames (*.swf) are correct, the game names are unique/correct, and that the games are active.
Checked all of the above multiple times, and it is correct. I tried just running the flash to see if it was the hack or the actual game too. The working titles (Snake and Space Invaders) work, but even if I go directly to the others they don't work. Maybe I uploaded in ASCII when it should be binary or vice versa? I checked permissions to and they working and non-working have the same permissions.
The Champ System should work "as is" with no modifications, assuming that your user's titles are being displayed in postbit (which is the vB default). Once again, make sure that the Champ System is enabled in the General Options and enabled for each game that you'd like to see it on.
This may be the problem. I have a couple of User Title hacks, one allowing users to change titles if they have made a donation for example. Maybe the conflict is there?