Originally posted by Scrooge
The only games that work for me are Snake and Space Invaders. Any idea why the others wouldn't work?
If a few games are working but others aren't, in means there is a problem in the Game Configuration. Check to make sure that the filenames (*.swf) are correct, the game names are unique/correct, and that the games are active.
Also, the Champions does not display. I tried the method mentioned earlier about putting it in postbits, but that doesn't seem to work either. If I put it in postbits shouldn't I also need a template called champions_postbits or something? (Don't laugh, I am a newbie )
The Champ System should work "as is" with no modifications, assuming that your user's titles are being displayed in postbit (which is the vB default). Once again, make sure that the Champ System is enabled in the General Options
and enabled for each game that you'd like to see it on.