I have just spent the week, writing a script to merge two vBulletin databases into one.
It was written specifically for my situation, but someone with knowledge of mySQL and PHP (specifically with vBulletin) could easily get it working.
It will merge all users, first checking for matching email addresses, then exact matches on usernames. If either matches, it is assumed to be the same user. In my situation, we had several users in both forums, so this was appropriate.
It will copy over all users, userfield info (provided all of the fields in the source db exist in the destination db), custom avatars, polls, threads, post, attachments and private messages.
Threads from the original db can be put into any forum in the destination db. Existing forums, new forums....you can even merge 2 or more forums into one.
If anyone is seriously interested in this script, knowing that it will take some work, I can clean it up and get it posted with some instructions. After that, feel free to do whatever you wish with it.
Again. This was written for my two databases (2.2.6). I won't go so far to say it will even work for you, but you're welcome to try.