Originally posted by BlueVoltage
no that comma was there
After looking again at the error message you've got I've relised that you've made the changes to the wrong block of code. :surprised:
So I've inlcuded the whole fragment
PHP Code:
if (floor($phpversionnum) < 4) {
$searcharray = array(
$replacearray = array(
"<ol type=\"\\5\">\\7</ol>",
"<a href=\"http://www.\\6\" target=\"_blank\">\\8</a>",
"<a href=\"\\5\" target=\"_blank\">\\7</a>",
"<a href=\"http://www.\\5\" target=\"_blank\">\\5</a>",
"<a href=\"\\4\" target=\"_blank\">\\4</a>",
"java script:",
"about :",
"vbscript :"
} else {
$searcharray = array(
"/(\[sig\=)(.*)(\])/esiU" // addition
$replacearray = array(
"createlists('\\7', '\\5')",
"checkurl('\\5', '\\7')",
"java script:",
"about :",
"vbscript :",
"checksigimage('\\2')" // addition
} // end version check
As with the first fragment don't copy, paste as vB will add additional spaces that prevent it from working.
You'll notice that the readme states the block begining
needs to be modified not the block begining
which you modified.