For all those fighting with the faq entries and not having things like $bbtitle, { imagesfolder } and maybe even $bbuserinfo[userid] parsing or showing correctly....
I *think* I have found a solution. Determined to get this working and thinking "hey, templates come from the DB so it should work...".
Anyway, enough ranting. I did this.
in misc.php AFTER
PHP Code:
$entry[text] = bbcodeparse2($entry[text],$entry[dohtml],$entry[dobbcode],$entry[dosmilies],$entry[dobbcode]);
PHP Code:
eval ("\$entry[text] = \"$entry[text]\";");
and BINGO, all your variables will now contain a value....
Have fun. :bunny:
Download the attached text file and copy/paste over what you have in misc.php for the faq bit. The parsing code in vB is screwing up the new PHP bit.