Yes, there is quite a bit of code above where I was calling the global.php file from. Here's what's above it...
// Hack prevention.
print "Security violation\n";
<? require($GALLERY_BASEDIR . "init.php"); ?>
/* Read the album list */
$albumDB = new AlbumDB();
$gallery->session->albumName = "";
$page = 1;
/* If there are albums in our list, display them in the table */
$numAlbums = $albumDB->numAlbums($gallery->user);
$numPhotos = $albumDB->numPhotos($gallery->user);
if (!$gallery->session->albumListPage) {
$gallery->session->albumListPage = 1;
$perPage = $gallery->app->default["albumsPerPage"];
$maxPages = max(ceil($numAlbums / $perPage), 1);
if ($gallery->session->albumListPage > $maxPages) {
$gallery->session->albumListPage = $maxPages;
$pixelImage = "<img src=\"$imageDir/pixel_trans.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\">";
$borderColor = $gallery->app->default["bordercolor"];
$navigator["page"] = $gallery->session->albumListPage;
$navigator["pageVar"] = "set_albumListPage";
$navigator["url"] = makeGalleryUrl("albums.php");
$navigator["maxPages"] = $maxPages;
$navigator["spread"] = 6;
$navigator["fullWidth"] = 100;
$navigator["widthUnits"] = "%";
$navigator["bordercolor"] = $borderColor;
<title><?= $gallery->app->galleryTitle ?></title>
<?= getStyleSheetLink() ?>
<body TEXT="#D1D1D1" BGPROPERTIES="fixed">
<? } ?>
<?php include (""); ?>
I've tried adding the chdir and global.php calls at the very top of the file, right above <html>, and right above where it calls the webwelcome file, but none of those have worked...