OMG. Gforce. Are you a knucklehead or what? How hard is this hack to understand? This lets people know whether someone is already battling or not. Simple as that. If they are not battling then it says so. If they are then it says so. Not that hard to comprehend. Thanks for the hack Z. For those who get its purpose it could be useful. As a matter of fact I am going to implement it into my RPG Center when it is done. Back to Gforce. Where do you get off acting as if you are so high and mighty? Oh because you are a guardian of the request forum? Please spare me the power trip. I back Z up on this completely. He did what he wanted to do and thats it. Don't throw any of the techno BS his way or anyone elses. You are not aboce anyone here and do not ever forget that. If it is such a mess and you plan on using it for yourself then edit and make it cleaner. Don't go telling him about it because maybe it works for him.