Thanks for the replies. Seems we could probably run one SQL query at the beginning of the script that would list the users in certain groups, and then just fill the array with the list. But, I think we have other more pressing hacks to do (we're still setting up)., so that will go on the "someday" list. If we eventually ended up with 5-6 hacks that required manual maintenace, it would be a pain, but we can deal with one for now. This hack works so well for us, since it distributes the load of maintaining the front page, meaning nobody has to be "on duty" when the news comes pouring in.
I hadn't noticed that it was possible to enable all users to post news... so we might take the approach Abbas suggested, at least to start; we'll just disable replies in the news sections. But... does anybody know of a hack that will redirect replies to a different section or something similar? The idea is to give users a "Comment" link, but one that takes them somewhere else.