Originally posted by Abbas
hehe, actually I'm not using your script just yet (but hoping to soon when I give my forums a huge overhaul), I'm using one of the other news posting scripts, which just takes the first post from each thread.
Hmm... maybe you should make it so that your hack only takes the first post??? I mean when would you want a reply to become a separate post item? Seems unlikely in my opinion.
If my hack would only take the first post as news, then why would I program it and why would the hack users use it? Other news scripts also do this..

This is (and some other features) that makes my script different than others.
BTW. I dont agree it's unlikely to drag a non-first message as news. If you use [summary] tags it can be very useful to drag them. For example say you have a hot thread in forum X and you want to notify main page visitors about this thread. In your board you have to go and make a news thread in your specific forum. But in my board I can just click reply in that hot thread and write this:
Hey I dont agree you!
[news]Come Join Discussion[/news]
[summary]We are discussing if Logician's News should drag non-first posts to main page or not. click [linkme]here[/linkme]to join! [/summary]
Now all thread viewers will see only the message:
Hey I dont agree you!
in the thread and wouldnt even notice this post was a news, but in your main page a news will appear as:
We are discussing if Logician's News should drag non-first posts to main page or not. click here to join!
See the difference?