Thanx for your reply but I managed to fix that on my own
I used this for the 'replier' part in the snapshot (on your left)
You posted this
Originally posted by Austin Dea
Q 1: What does the $session mean and the [sessionhash]? Does it has a function in this one??? It seems to be here...
Q2: Besides that how do I get the the lightbulb picture for if there is a new post in that particular thread, what code do I need for that?
Q3: Then I want to have another function for when my mouse is over the Thread link in the menu...when my mouse rests on the link then I would love to have a popup information screen in which forum it has been posted...could you get me this code...I think it has to with a mouse over event but then I still need the code to fill out for the forum it has been post in....
Thanx for your effort...