1st: I never said it was a beta.
2nd: YOU screwed up your database. Thats why everyone says to take backups every day and before you modify stuff.
3rd: Like i said in the first post I dont offer support by AOL or any other messengers.
4rth: Why dint anyone else have a problem with it?
5th: I found out why the items post doesnt work but now im not gona tell you. Infact im closing support on this project and releasing the rest privatly. You can all thank Galeforce. If you have a problem with that Yell at Galeforce.
6th: Dont think you'll get any support with this atatude:
Session Start (AIM - DeMiNe0:GaleForce12345): Tue Sep 10 18:19:45 2002
[18:22] DeMiNe0: Im really sorry that your database got damaged. But thats why i said you should back it up.
[18:19] GaleForce12345: It doesnt matter if I backed my forums up or not... I hope you burn in hell You stupid C**k sucking N**ger.
Why dont you run away again like the pussy(cat) you are.
[18:22] DeMiNe0: ..........
[18:22] *** Error while sending IM: Not logged on
Session Close (GaleForce12345): Tue Sep 10 18:22:46 2002
Sorry for the vile langage, I censored out what i could.