Originally posted by Abbas
Using conditionals will it be possible to have separate templates for categories of forums? Or will you have to have a conditional for each forum in that category. I'm basically going to aim to have separate sections of my forum with different graphical styles etc.
I cant say anything before knowing what exactly you have in your mind but in the first look yes it seems you can do it via conditionals. The hack does not allow you to create multiple templates for one, but by using a conditional trick you can create multi-templates inside one template:
PHP Code:
Your HTML codes if user's userid is 1
Your HTML codes if user's userid is NOT 1
So as you see we have one template but within it we actually have two, each of which will be displayed according to user's userid. (Notice ! sign which is used like "else")
However I might say that if you are trying to apply different styles for different forums you dont need a hack, you can do it by configuring your forum styles.. I believe you already know that?