Granted, it's NOT a vb-hack...but he had stated as such. He also stated this was something he thought that users of vb could use, and thought by posting it here he was helping the community of vb users.
While it may have been the wrong is doubtful he knew of the RIGHT place (he has after all, only 20 some posts here). And instead of you all blasting him for trying to HELP (but being in error), you could have simply said that is a hack only site and directed him to another site...or simply told him to reference this in the General forum or something.
For those of you who did whine and cry about it...grow up and show a little bit of respect. And instead of flaming someone who makes a mistake, try directing the person to the correct course of action to take. It may be a bit more difficult to behave rationally and responsibly, but you may find you get better results from the expectations you place upon others.