Originally posted by KarateKid
I get many errors...
Open up your functions.php file and post the offending section of it here -- from about line 2292 to 2296. That way I can see what's up.
Wonder why he didnt add the ", at" that way in the first place
I seem to remember that there are some problems with doing it this way. Like on your memberlist page, you might get "Today, at" ... and no time. It's been a while, so I could be wrong.
I don't have the welcome panel installed on my forums, so I can't troubleshoot this one. It looks like the value for $bbuserinfo[lastvisit] is being replaced elsewhere in the welcome panel code... Can you find a line in that hack that assigns a value to $bbuserinfo[lastvisit]? If so, comment it out (by typing
// before any text on that line.