An addition to this. If for some reason the person deletes the default code without putting in a URL, and their avatar shows as a broken image, you can add this code to get around it:
In admin/functions.php - under:
if ($post[homepage]!="" and $post[homepage]!="http://") {
eval("\$post[homepage] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_homepage")."\";");
} else {
if ($post[field#]!="" and $post[field#]!="") {
eval("\$post[off_avatar] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_off_avatar")."\";");
} else {
(where # is the field number)
Create a new template called postbit_off_avatar using the following:
<img src="$post[field#]" width="$post[width]" height="$post[height]" border="0"><br>
And in your postbit template, where before you had the above code, put simply:
And you should now have no broken avatar images (unless someone's using Geocities!
