What is Project Internet Artifical Intelligence??
Project IAI (Internet Artifical Intelligence) Outline:
To use the medium of the internet and forum based communities, to provide an interaction and knowledge source for an AI (though a large number of interactions), which has the ability to respond not only coherently, but with elements of intelligence.
I found this while browsing the phpBB forums (yes I know but want to check out the competition hacks)
But I've seen the this AI in action and it is really intresting. They already are ported it over to phpBB, but I was wondering if we can get people in the VB.org community to port it into a version just for vBulletin
All the details on Project Internet Artifical Intelligence can be found at
A Few highlights:
Current features of phpBB mod:
? ability to post responses from replies and new posts made in forums
? ability to chat with users though Java chat client
? load AIML files (from admin panel)
? change which forums and how many responses the AI gives (from admin panel)
? change username which AI uses to post with (from admin panel)
? choose "always respond" words (from admin panel)
? change core AI personality (from admin panel)
Finnished (but not yet available) for release version:
? response for pms
? SRS (Salient Response System)
In Dev for release version:
? security fixes
? load individual AIML files from admin panel
Check it out. This is actually one hack I think it will be intresting