Another vbQuiz Hack
Perhaps not even a hack. Might be possible with a few sql statements.
At any rate, what we need is a way to leverage the work we've all done entering in quizzes. It would be nice to have a ACP command that would dump the contents of my quiz databases - without results, sessions, etc so that someone else could take that file execute it as an sql file and add my quizzes to his/her forums.
It seems it would have to be an import/export type program instead of just SQL after all because the kets between the different databases will have to be in sync, not to mention the problem with either assigning or adding a category.
More thoughts - thinking as I write - avoid the category issue altogether by just putting everything into an import category and forcing manual assignment prior to approval. Any imported quiz should be imported as still requiring approval.
So that makes it just an issue of importing the quiz, the quiz questions and quiz answers and keeping the linkage between keys correct.