Originally posted by CRego3D
Instaleld this hack .. using the latest .zip .. everythign works, I can upload the images, I see them in the User CP, I click on it, it does do [sig=6] (6 beeign that sig number I supose) ..
but when I click on "submit modifications" .. I get
Parse error: parse error in /hsphere/local/home/yaxay/yaxay.com/yack/admin/functions.php(821) : regexp code on line 1
Fatal error: Failed evaluating code: in /hsphere/local/home/yaxay/yaxay.com/yack/admin/functions.php on line 821
Any ideas ?
PS - Line 821 is ..
$bbcode=preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, $bbcode);
What PHP version?
PHP Code:
"/(\[sig\=)(.*)(\])/esiU" // addition
exists as stated in the readme. (functions.php)
PHP Code:
"vbscript :",
"checksigimage('\\2')" // addition
exists also as stated in the readme. (functions.php)
Check the function "checksigimage" exists within functions.php.