Originally posted by Apok2002
Breakout: The song is good, but there is too much of a space (silence) between the end and start during the loop. Anyway to fix that?
Also, the paddle is way too dark for the black background.
I am going to compile a new version of Breakout with some changes. I'd like to make the game harder -- right now it seems pretty boring to me.
Also, which template is it, that allows me to type in the comments for a score? I need to edit the coloring on one of my themes, it's just way too dark, we can't see what we are typing, WHILE we are typing. It shows up just fine after we enter it, and we view the scoreboard.
You want vbproarcade_gameover_comment. The colors are hardcoded into the template right now, left over from the original vbTetris hack. I need to incorporate those into the Admin Panel.
For the Who's Online...
Is there a way to show WHICH game the members are playing? Right now, they show the link w/ an ungodly length. It'd be nice to just say:
Playing Tetris
Viewing Tetris Scoreboard
Playing Breakout
This is exactly how it should work, and is how it works on mine. If you could take a screenshot of what problem you are having, that would be helpful. Thanks.