1. A modification for the "View Profile" (ex.) I saw one once on a site that looked like the phpBB view profile template...
Templates are easy to modify. If you take the time to study the templates, you will realize it isn't that hard to modify. I'm not sure if such a template exists, but I'm sure if you post a template request someone could help you.
A "Change Username" hack. Not like the first one i saw. One that allows the user to change their name whenever they want, where ever they want, etc...
I'm not sure such a hack exists. Even then, I would NOT install that hack in fear someone would try to impersonate a staffer. And it gets confusing eventually trying to remember who's-who.
3. A collapsable forums hack (ex.) a little cross button beside the category and beside the post, that allows the user to hide it. (Done with javascript)
Um, if you click the little arrow next to my name it should do what you want. In additon, click Expand All, and Contract All. Does that answer your question??
Extended attachment hack. (ex) allow the user to use a comment for the hack. make the attachment (if a pic) automaticly show, and allow multilul attachments
I never seen one of these before. Most people here just post another attachment. As for automatically showing, some people installed a hack here that is called an attachment viewer. But attached images isn't shown deliberately. You don't want your forums bogged down as people are trying to load the image (for those who don't want to view it) It is their choice to view it and if they want to view it, they will
Hope my answers help you in your quest to purchase vBulletin