Pre sale hack questions...
I am about to purchase vBulletin 2.2.7 and I have a few simple hack questions before I purchase it. I would like to know if these hacks exist (Being that i am too lazy to search through your extensive database...)
1. A modification for the "View Profile" (ex.) I saw one once on a site that looked like the phpBB view profile template...
2. A "Change Username" hack. Not like the first one i saw. One that allows the user to change their name whenever they want, where ever they want, etc...
3. A collapsable forums hack (ex.) a little cross button beside the category and beside the post, that allows the user to hide it. (Done with javascript)
4. Extended attachment hack. (ex) allow the user to use a comment for the hack. make the attachment (if a pic) automaticly show, and allow multilul attachments
That's pretty much all i can think of at the moment, but i'll probably get back and post some more quiries.