Sorry I'm alittle late in responding to these questions, if you've solved your problem then don't pay any attention.
Originally posted by sub
I seem not able to figure out why it's erroring out like this. *blink*
It states there is an uknown column MOOD, which is correct because this hack called for no creation of the column "mood."
Be sure you follow the instructions exactly, and that these queries have been ran:
ALTER TABLE post ADD usermoodid SMALLINT (5) unsigned not null;
ALTER TABLE post ADD usermoodmessage varchar(50) not null;
ALTER TABLE post ADD usermoodpath char(100) not null;
Originally posted by Larry@IOG
Ok I have the Moods in my admin CP only problem is when a mood is selected on a new thread it will not show up at all. When someone does not selecta mood a box with a red X shos in its place.
I need some help it deprived me of sleep last night
Uninstall the hack, and install it again following the instructions VERY carefully. That box witht the red X is showing because the mood image is not being found, which means either you have not added in moods in the admin cp, or there is a fault in your installation.
Originally posted by Matt87
You think you could give us some smilies for it?
I actually use a totally different set then smilies, and that is set uses. They work very nicely for moods.
You will have to visit Dark Project Studios (see the footer of for link) and ask for permission by the webmaster if you can use them on your site.