Dunno what u lot are talkin about
to be honest with ya
cuz i tried em all
on standard features mode
whats so good about it anyway
all i seen is money being payed
Phpbb is good
and so is ikonboard
But i think invision board is tops
for quality
altho it has little customer support at the moment
things that are hacks on other boards are built in as standard on that board
i would know
cuz i been through the admin control panels of each of them
I myself have used Yabb
the user community for is much better than all the boards i have seen
i do not know why it isn;t even getting a mention
the hacks are fanastic
the support is prompt what more do u want
its not good to knock off other peoples work
cuz i have seen the features that each board has
i'll be honest with ya each one has its merits but v bulletin seems to fall short cuz its not free
and nuthing to bring above what the other boards offer