Sucks having to install a hack on top of another...I somehow intergrated the Strike Thru Closed topics with this one on the first try, but there was only 1 small line of PHP that needed intergration...For what it's worth, maybe this'll help someone down the road...*NOTE* This is for having this hack intergrated with Strike thru closed topics!!!
In forumdisplay.php Replace:
PHP Code:
if (!$thread[open]) {
PHP Code:
// +++++++ Super Close Thread Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
if(($thread[open] == 0) OR ($thread[open] == 2)) {
// Strike-Through Hack
$thread[title] = "<span class='locked'>$thread[title]</span>";
// End Strike-Through Hack
// +++++++ Super Close Thread Hack [ g-force2k2 ] +++++++
Both hacks work nicely together then...
Thanks again for a GREAT hack!!!
EDIT: There's More stuff that you have to do to get that Strike through Hack to work, but those things are described on the thread for that hack...This is the only instance where they kinda "Brush Against" each other...