in forumdisplay.php
SELECT $dotuserid $votequery ".iif($foruminfo[allowicons],'icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,','')."
thread.threadid,thread.title,lastpost, forumid,pollid,open,replycount,postusername,postus erid,
lastposter,thread.dateline AS threadstart,views,thread.iconid,notes,thread.visib le,sticky,votetotal,attach
FROM thread
".iif($foruminfo[allowicons],'LEFT JOIN icon ON (icon.iconid = thread.iconid)','')."
WHERE $threadids
ORDER BY sticky DESC, $sortfield $sqlsortorder
I changed $sortfield to threadstart and then it worked. But that is quick and dirty was is the neat way. And Do I need to edit forumdisplay_threadslist because its using postusername now ??
The Night