Originally posted by stilger
Hello.. Im thinking about installing this hack on a site that I support that averages about 400 users logged in at a time. Sometimes peaking to around 2000 (well vbulletin reports the most ever as being 2410 I don't know how much you can trust this though). We currently spread our load over 2 servers using Round Robin DNS and have a separate server for all database functions. Will this hack work on multiple server site? I am thinking because of how this hack works there should be no problem but I wanted to make sure. It sounds like this hack would help with the occasional To Many Connections messages we get..... Thanks for the info.
Doh! I stopped getting notification emails... sorry for the long delay.
I don't see why this wouldn't work with multiple web servers, but I can't be 100% without intimate knowledge of your setup. (that's me covering my ass

The hack makes cumulative updates to the db, so while the two webservers would update the db at different times, it should still work. You'll probably have to tweak the update frequency to get it to your liking, but otherwise, I don't forsee a problem.