edit admin/functions.php, find:
PHP Code:
if ($avatarurl=="" or ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0 and !($bbuserinfo[showavatars]))) {
} else {
eval("\$post[avatar] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_avatar")."\";");
Replace it AS:
PHP Code:
if ($shown_avatar) {$testavatar1=in_array($log_arr_post_userid,$shown_avatar);}
if ($avatarurl=="" or ($forum[forumid]==X AND $testavatar1) or ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0 and !($bbuserinfo[showavatars]))) {
} else {
eval("\$post[avatar] = \"".gettemplate("postbit_avatar")."\";");
Replace X with your forumid in which you dont want multi-avatars of the same user..
In functions.php find:
PHP Code:
global $bbuserinfo,$session,$ignore,$cookietimeout;
Replace it as:
PHP Code:
global $bbuserinfo,$session,$ignore,$cookietimeout,$shown_avatar;
Edit showthread.php, find
PHP Code:
if ($action=="showpost") {
after that add:
PHP Code:
That's all..