Originally posted by mbaskett
[B]What are the major differences between v2 and v1.3?
Major Differences:
- Code cleaned up;
- Number of queries seriously reduced;
- All known bugs from 1.x fixed;
- Installer added;
- Layout and templates modified;
- Some new features added, some updated (see Post 1).
Is it so great that I would not be able to adapt my current version code to meet v2 standards without having to recreate all my customizations?
If you have installed all the bug fixes from v1.x and the new features arn't any good to you then you may not want to upgrade and stick with your current version. However if you do want the new features then a majority of your templates can stay "as is".
Thanks! We're still working on a few things, but it's getting there. It always feels good to get some positive feedback!
Its good to see that you have changed the default templates to make it look different and added stuff to the page, it makes it stand out from the default.