Supercool this is! I am a total newbie on hacks, but this Tetris thing is way cool!
I've just tried it out on: on I was wondering if we could set the amount of posters that will get into the TOP list. I mean, you now have to gain soooooooooooo much points to get anywhere near the top 10. Ofcourse, I KNOW this is the whole point of having a TOP 10 in the first place, but I think a lot of my members on my board would find it very very nice to be able to get just their NAME and comment on this Tetris-list. So I was wondering.... could you make an option so that we can set how long the TOP list will be? 10, 30, 40, whatever? When you make a TOP 20 list, you can alsways HIGHLIGHT those TOP 10 members or something, I just think that MORE people will play along if it wasn't to hard to get your name on this list. Just an idea.....