Originally posted by halloweennation
Tried the popup "_blank" thing, but there's a restriction on using "'s in the code, so it didn't take too well.
<a href=\"http://www.sideshowtoy.com\">
should become
<a href=\"http://www.sideshowtoy.com\" target=\"_blank\">
[/b]Still can't get the "register to make this banner disappear....." text into the middle of the box beside the banner, as opposed to above it[/b]
The code looks fine - just dunno what it's been put into. If the space for the table is less than 468x60, it'll not fit properly anyway. Can't help much with that, sorry.
This hack's really for people that have a vague inkling about PHP (you don't need much, just a vague inkling). If you copied the code above for four rotating ad banners, but put your own ad code into the holes, it should work just fine for you.