If you have a site you'd like to include that has no built-in search engine to reference, you can still include it by using one of the features of the Google site that allows it to search within a domain.
1. Add this to the websearch.php case statement. Please note the space after the ".com " That's important!
case "newsite" :
doSearch("http://www.google.com/search?q=site:thatdomain.com ");
a) replace
thatdomain.com with the domain to be searched; no "http://www" required!
b) replace
newsite with a shorthand name for the site if you'd like.
2. Add this to your template along with the other options
<option value="newsite">Site Title
a) replace
newsite with the name you used in 1.b) above
b) replace Site Title with the name you'd like to appear for this search.
3. Test it out
You will get a Google screen with a listing for the site of interest