the original textfile instructions of this hack need to be updated, there is a huge error that makes this hack un-usable.
where it says
PHP Code:
Now RUN this following MYSQL QUERY:
INSERT INTO bbcode VALUES (998, 'Glowred', '<table style="filter:glow(color=red, strength=4)">4</table>', '[GLOWRED]Glow[/GLOWRED]', '', 0);
INSERT INTO bbcode VALUES (997, 'glowblue', '<table style="filter:glow(color=blue, strength=4)">4</table>', '[GLOWBLUE]Glow[/GLOWBLUE]', '', 0);
it should say
PHP Code:
Now RUN this following MYSQL QUERY:
INSERT INTO bbcode VALUES (998, 'Glowred', '<table style="filter:glow(color=red, strength=4)">{param}</table>', '[GLOWRED]Glow[/GLOWRED]', '', 0);
INSERT INTO bbcode VALUES (997, 'glowblue', '<table style="filter:glow(color=blue, strength=4)">{param}</table>', '[GLOWBLUE]Glow[/GLOWBLUE]', '', 0);
or you get nothing but a glowing 4 where the glowing text should be - other than that, good hack.