Originally posted by LightBringer
Any advice?
This seems to be a bug with vB as oposed to vBindex as you can see the title of your last post in a private forum from your profile for example.
This should work, it will exlude the news forum, polls forum, forums with visible set to 1 (non-private (still has vB bug)) and any forumids you specify:
PHP Code:
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,replycount,iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum ".$threadsql." AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
PHP Code:
$threadsquery = $DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,forumid,title,postusername,lastposter,replycount,iconid FROM thread WHERE forumid!=$newsforum AND forumid!=$pollsforum AND forumid!=x ".$threadsql." AND visible=1 order by lastpost desc limit $numthreads");
Change x to the forum id, if you wish to add more forum ids add:
Changing x again, do this for each forum id you wish to be exculded.