If you are interested inseeing the PM stats in the private message view screen do the make the following changes.
In private.php:
Look for the following code:
PHP Code:
Change it to the following:
PHP Code:
$pmcount=$DB_site->query_first("select count(*) as msgs from privatemessage where userid = $fromuserinfo[userid]");
$pmratio = 100 * $pmcount[msgs] / $pmquota;
if($pmratio > 100) {
$pmratio = 100;
$pmstats = "<p><font face=\"verdana\" size=\"1\">PM Stats:</font><br>";
$pmstats = "$pmstats<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"80%\" bordercolor=\"#000000\" bordercolorlight=\"#000000\" bordercolordark=\"#000000\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"#b5b5b5\"><img src=\"images/polls/bar3.gif\" width=\"$pmratio%\" height=\"9\"></td></tr></table>";
$pmstats = "$pmstats\n$pmcount[msgs]/$pmquota";