has anyone thought of changing the news to have a $maxchars option and it inserts a "read more" link at the bottom?
if someone makes a lenghtly post and someone makes another long one after that the center colum becomes quite long if set to show 5 and makes the left and right colums look out of place because they are now super short in comparrison.
also maybe a way to make a stickey thread stay on top on the vbindex and have the news post return to the top if it is replied to (on vbindex)
I noticed that if a post is made in the news forum it shows on top on vbindex and if someone makes another new thread it then shows on top but if the previous one is replied to it remains second in order on vbindex never to return to the top as it does in the forum itself.
same thing when you make a post stickey....in the forum it goes to the top of the list but on vbindex it moves down as other threads are posted.
just some thinking I was doing during testing