I'm getting 3 emails with this code. The first one shows no username bit gives me a code in the password line, the second shows all of the info and the third shows all of the info plus an extra sessions name line. Any ideas why this is happening?
Originally posted by Mutt
[B]firefly, I've added alittle to your hack
Here's the chunk of code that needs to be added to 2 files
PHP Code:
// email alert
$iphostname = @gethostbyaddr($ipaddress);
if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['bbuserid']) {
$realuserid = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['bbuserid'];
$realusername=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid='$realuserid'");
$MessageAddon .= "\nThier cookie identifys them as ".addslashes($realusername[username]."\n");
if ($sessionids=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid FROM session WHERE host='$ipaddress' AND userid>0 GROUP BY userid")) {
while ($sessionid = $DB_site->fetch_array($sessionids)) {
$realusername=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid='$sessionid[userid]'");
$MessageAddon .= "\nSessions identifys them as ".addslashes($realusername[username]);
$message="Someone is trying to login to the $bbtitle control panel!\nThe Script was : $PHP_SELF\n\nUsername they tried to use: $loginusername\nPassword they tried to use: $loginpassword (".md5($loginpassword)." in encryption)\n\nThe IP address is: $ipaddress\nThe host is: $iphostname\n\nSearch for members using this ip\n $bburl/admin/user.php?action=doips&s=&ipaddress=$ipaddress\n$MessageAddon";
mail($webmasteremail,"Warning: vBulletin Admin Login Attempted",$message,"From: \"$bbtitle Admin CP\" <$webmasteremail>");
// email alert