Originally posted by Mr_P
Is there anyway to change the $ in the hack to something else such as P for points as we dont use $ so when u get pm its defeats the object when u have 500 points ans someone robs $200
But all said and done top hack and i look forward to many more addons for this.
Search for this line for the pm to the losers:
PHP Code:
$pmloser="Dear Loser,\n\n You lost the lottery named $lotop[lotname]. The winner is: '$username' and the winner received a total of $kutje points.\n\n Good luck on any new upcoming lottery's.\n\n Thanks for your participation on this lottery.";
And search for this line for the pm to the winners:
PHP Code:
$pmwinner="Congratulations $username,\n\n You won the lottery named $lotop[lotname]. Your amount of points is increased with $kutje points.\n\n Thanks for your participation on this lottery.";
In the file, admin/storeadmin.php.