Originally posted by Erwin
The smilie issue IS fixed. You cannot used a hacked vbcode.js - upload a stock unhacked vbcode.js, rename it vbcode3.js, and change the template to point to it.
When you edit posts, it will be WYSIWYG.
Where do I get an unhacked vbcode.js? I have both of them from this thread. (the one in the origional zip file and the second in the vbcode2.zip file also found in this thread)
I can insert smiles from the smile box but I can not click on the smiles in the Get More Box, when I do click on a smile in the get more box it does nothing.
Also my spell checker I can get to check the spelling however when I click on Insert in post it does nothing as well.
I believe both are the same issue.
Can anyone help?