Also, Gensec, as per your instructions on how to make it so that members MUST have at least $5 to steal, I copied/pasted your code, but it didn't work EXACTLY the way it's supposed to. Here is my code:
PHP Code:
if ($bbuserinfo[posts]<100 AND $bbuserinfo[storep]>5) { // don't allow new users to steal -- Thief should have 100 posts
If you have a negative balance it won't let you steal. But if you have $0 or more $$$, you CAN steal. Granted, it's just a few $$$ difference from $-1 to $5, but I'm just curious why it wouldn't work? It'd be nice to be able to control making it be that even thiefs have to have $100 in the positive before they can steal. But it doesn't appear to work that way. It will only prevent theft if they are in the negative balance.