Ok, I see what you are saying now. What I was looking for is the time that my site went out and got the update, whether is be automatically or through force update type setting (since I can't do force update and have to do it through settings, I will call it that). They must be going by the server time itself on MSNBC then.
If you come up with the time conversion, I would be very interested in trying it out. Thank you.
Originally posted by chris2707
The problem with that Boofo is that the time the raw data is collected is not when the data was updated - in other words, could be 2 hours old when it is collected from the MSNBC server by vbWeather.
If you go to the MSNBC server mentioned near the beginning of this site you'll see no matter what country/city you select, the time remains constantly on the ET timezone - in my humble opinion it should change to whichever city you select since, even if you are going on holiday and checking the weather, it's still nice to know what time it is there!
I'm fairly new to PHP coding but I will have a look at converting the time string retrieved back to a time format for correct display.