Need to hire someone ASAP for an integration
Ok all, I posted a request a few days ago for a two fold need....but one of those needs has just taken a major priority, and I now need it ASAP.
The attached file is a .pl script which is used for subscription access maintenance for a paid area. It is designed to work with an .htaccess file, but it is also designed with a db option in mind.
I need someone to find a way to tie this into the VB structure, so that on sucessful payment, the user is moved from one usergroup to another...and on expiration of their billing (or cancellation), the user is then put back into the "registered" usergroup.
PLEASE help me out on this one...I can pay via Paypal or Credit Card.
Actually...after looking one more time, this might not be so bad after all.....
It only really uses two validation variables: username and password. These do NOT have anything to do with the user's username and password that they use to access the boards. They are simply the payment verification info.
If we can add two fields into the user's data table, for username and password, and get the .pl file to pass them to our vb database, then it would simply be a matter of setting up a "upgrade" page link in the user's profile which would ask them to confirm their payment username and passcode (although this would have to be set up so that no two board handles could be upgraded based on the same username/password combo from the payment module to prevent password sharing.
The confirm would upgrade them into the usergroup....and upon expiration of the account, the username/password would have to be looked up and the attached user account moved back into the registered usergroup.