At the moment, although vB3 is looking good, there isnt really anything that can already be achieved with a vB 2.2.6 board, apart from the Javascript basing...
There are 3 main concerns of mine :
1.) I will get it, and it wont live up to my expectations...It is already beginning to wear off (sorry guys)
2.) It looks a bit shabby - I know it is because of the vB2 style on it, but it doesnt seem as smooth as 2.2.6...I know it is only a BETA, but it will need alot more features pre-installed before I upgrade to it

3.) It will require the knowledge of Javacscript...I am just beginning to get the hand of PHP, and the HTML -> PHP mixup, without needing to learn Javascript...I dont want to have to learn Javascript just to be able to make a Template Modification!
I think I will stick with 2.2.6, unless I see some major improvements/addons with vB3 that I just cannot resist...
Btw : Threaded view suxz more than anything...I hope you can Globally turn it off!